Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Soldier's Savior

Alden Security #1

Soldier's Savior

Joy Danvers

The military is a bastion of racism, homophobia, and sexual abuse; or as David describes his parents having the trifecta of bigotry, racism, and misogyny. Concealing because it's not safe to be out is one thing, but being closeted in self-hatred is quite another. Will say that I prefer so-called sweet romances that concentrate on relationships and not on phone sex. Having read other books by this author I should have known what to expect. I still can't get used to the idea that female authors and readers are obsessed with gay males getting it on. And this pair engage in teenage-like congress in the back seat of a crew cab. The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation and neither do we though I wish the participants kept it private there. PDAs whatever the sexual orientation stretch the bounds of etiquette. Can't say I was prepared for Provincetown on Dyke Day.

So John has accepting parents and David not so much. Societal change happens slowly and the pair finally get to marry. And a mother walks the bridegroom down the aisle.


The Boy in His Winter: An American Novel

American Novels #1

The Boy in His Winter: An American Novel

Norman Lock, Grover Gardner (Reading)

I read Huckleberry Finn in a Hardcover First Edition loaned me by a friend of my Mother's. Imagine what that book is worth today.

This author imagines an aging Huck reminiscing about his days floating down the Mississippi on a Raft with Jim. This is not a book for children.

As narrator Huck switches between reminiscence and his present day adventures set in the 2070ies. Leaves one wandering, have we made all that much progress after all these years.

The author has Huck refer to Mark Twain's book on several time but none so ironic as when Huck is asked if he's read the book.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Jesus Goes to Hell on Vacation!

Blasphemy! #2

Jesus Goes to Hell on Vacation!

T.J. Klune

Well why not. Toadying up to goody two shoes can be exhausting.

Begins with the background to Jimmy Davidson's arrival in Hell. He and Satan are monogamous.

Who'd a thought, Jesus is brown skinned and gay; here attracted to a red demon with knobby horns, a fiery halo and a tail. What's more remarkable God approves.

And the Trumps are in Hell where they belong.


Saturday, October 12, 2024


Blasphemy! #1


T.J. Klune

Until I buy into the high concept involved here which involves Satan personified I have to ask: the Devil has a house in Hell, sleeps in a bed with blankets and has a telephone and major domo? Theologically I don't believe in Hell as a physical location and question the idea of evil personified just as I seriously doubt heaven as a physical location with pearly gates and streets paved with gold peopled by winged angels playing golden harps.

Satan here is fifteen feet tall and has a huge member, of course. Carl helps him with his wardrobe. In Hell all our usual conceptions are reversed. Bad is good.

Unions are a necessary evil but the idea that Satan has Union Issues is delicious. The difference being that Satan wouldn't just fire them all. And God swears like a trooper.

We've all had our issues with computers and considered them evil but Hell Inc has an office tower full of them.

God talks to his brother Satan every Tuesday at 10 AM on Skype. Do they use Norton Antivirus? God takes a shit each morning 9:15, anal retentive? Not an early riser and this review will never be seen on Amazon. Wonder where it flushes?

Satan meets Jimmy Davidson and the little fucker weirds out even the Devil even to giving him a blow job.

For the record:

Stationary is fixed in place, you write on stationery.

A twink with muscles is a Twunk.

Well this is Blasphemy.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Meditations: On the Monk Who Dwells in Daily Life

Meditations: On the Monk Who Dwells in Daily Life

Thomas Moore

Audiobook read by the author, obviously not THE Thomas Moore who died in 1852. Got over that one.

A cloistered life of meditation and even a vow of silence is no longer in vogue as evidenced by the mean age of those in Convents that are rapidly closing. Despite Benedict's reactionary attempt to close the doors monks today live out Christ's command to feed my sheep and do it unto the least of my brethren. This monk would seem to have abandoned his cell.


Edge of Extinction - First Contact

Edge of Extinction - First Contact

Landon J. Riley

Would seem the author's first published work and the start of a series to come. Call it a Sci Fi space opera action adventure. Well written and immediately captivates anyone who enjoys this genre. Jaxon is the ultimate Space Cowboy aided by his AI companion and helper Orla.




Kevin Stevenson

Goodreads lists this as author unknown. Read it's not for sale on Amazon.

When virologists at the centre where Reed is a cleaner release a deadly plague Reed heads for the hills and becomes a survivalist. One of his tasks is fighting off with deadly force interlopers who would steal his food.


Secrets of the Dead

Secrets of the Dead

David F. Berens

The joys of modern technology. I do most of my reading on an Android Tablet from Samsung. When I click on this e-Pub file in the folder system it opens in my Nook App. When I try to re-open the book in the Nook App I'm told the file is corrupt and can't be opened. (Read, I didn't buy it from B&N, it was a freebie, thank you David.) And having read the entire novella Nook can no longer make that claim.

This reads like the introduction of a crime series it is. Nick Sullivan makes Cassidy Carmichael an offer she can't refuse and in listing her curriculum vitae he omits mentioning her embarrassing past as a lady of the night--she had to eat.

Submitted this to Amazon. They may not like it.


Tuesday, October 08, 2024

The Event Horizon Murder

The Event Horizon Murder

Greg Hickey

For the record the freebie offered was a court scene that featured the cross-examination of an officer's testimony. The interesting aspect of it all is that the pair are on a cordial first-name basis out of court.


Monday, October 07, 2024

The Ancient Minstrel: Novellas

The Ancient Minstrel: Novellas

Jim Harrison

An author unknown to me. The photo on Goodreads does the author no favours.

Three utterly different novellas. One biographical, the others dystopian. Were I reading rather than listening I'd probably not have finished.


Sunday, October 06, 2024

Fiery Mary & the Dog Days of Summer

Fiery Mary & the Dog Days of Summer

Valerie Willis

A vagabond backpacker has to contend with having been robbed and coming adrift amid language challenges and superstition so serious it stops work in the middle of harvest season in Yugoslavia. Religion is a serious business in a country where belonging to the wrong ethnic group can get you killed. And the Devil is very real.

In fact superstition seems very real in this strange tale.
