Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Escaping Camp Roosevelt

Escaping Camp Roosevelt

Bryan T. Clark

M+M Romance

A homeless encampment. Two homeless lads doing what they can to survive.

Dancer is an auburn haired beyond handsome street smart runaway who escaped his sexually abusive stepfather and sells his body to make a living. How he avoids AIDS is another matter.

Tucker and his little sister Mattie are homeless because their Meth-head mother ploughs their livelihood into her habit. Tucker can't trust the 6-yr-old out of his sight for even 5 minutes or she'll get in trouble here.

All this adds up to a story that is better than the sum of its parts.

As Tom in then movie Endgame relates Sex, for a rent boy, is a transaction that is imposed upon your body but in which you neither emotionally or mentally participate. It's as if you weren't even present.

The feelings Tucker awakens in Dancer threaten to break down those barriers and expose him to emotional involvements he has buried deep inside him. Sex is something done to him, not something he indulges for pleasure.

And just when they come close to getting it on Tucker's mother shows up on the scene.

Both these boys are victims of dysfunctional families.

Tucker's mother is a taker, her habit a black hole that absorbs their living, everything good in their lives.

Dancer's Mother was too absorbed in her career to pay any attention to the abuse occurring right under her nose. Ironic that this book written 5 years ago has a real life Canadian equivalent presently in the news.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dam Busters: Canadian Airmen and the Secret Raid Against Nazi Germany

Dam Busters: Canadian Airmen and the Secret Raid Against Nazi Germany

Ted Barris

The MacKenna brothers were vilified by the Cdn. Legion for their documentaries on Bomber Harris. This raid killed thousands of German civilians. History is written by the winners. Atrocities are committed only by the enemy.

And as usual the story begins with the machinations of politicians and military brass while Barnes Wallis laboured to solve the physics that would make the bombs work.

One by one we are introduced to the Canadians who will make up the special crew, yet unnamed and mission unknown.

Could have wished the captions in the picture supplement were attached to the actual photographs instead of lumped separately. The photographs make vividly plain the youth of the boys who flew--most cenotaphs show old men. The final chapters deal with legacy and commercialization. This book being one such example.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Metalist's Journey: Prologue to Secrets of Urthis

The Metalist's Journey: Prologue to Secrets of Urthis

KD Lumsden

The father-son in this dystopian tale have an abusive relationship. The father seems only to be able to affirm his own worth by demeaning his son. Don't know why anyone would want to explore this further.

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Mailman,,or The Handyman

The Mailman

or The Handyman

Michael Bronte

The book has different titles in different editions.

Begins with a letter carrier making his rounds in what feels like a very familiar scenario with the same issues all such face. The observations are so apt I'm curious as to whether the author was so employed for a time.

Scott Campbell, "Soup", is the mailman of the title and his rounds give him loads of time for introspection. Marisa, his girlfriend of five months has needs and is not shy about making them known, one suspects she supplied the rubber. Kaz, a cop, is his best friend whom he is trying to get inspect the goings on in a run-down house on his route occupied by "Mr. Dirty".

Part two of the book switches to a young female Hispanic Detective whose fellow parishioners hint at nefarious goings on in their neighbourhood which leads her to suspect human trafficking and sex slave operations, she just needs a lead and one suspects Scott will provide it. We hear about the operation from the Russian Mafia's end of it all.

Matters heat up when Soup, Marissa and Kaz stake out the house on Newell and make violent contact. I keep forgetting that Soup is a veteran of the Sandbox and takes martial arts classes with his girlfriend.

There is a distinct lack of consistency here. Characters enter and get dropped. Scott becomes Jake and acquires a wife and family. This feels like several short stories cobbled together.

And as it must the story ends where the mystery began with a showdown involving the Russian Mob, The Pentagon, the FBI, local police and Scott's Family and fellow Vet Tiny.

The story ends with an HEA. The text desperately needs editing.

The Australian

The Australian

Diana Palmer

Harlequin Book so we know the formula, OK Timewaster.

Begins with Priss being picked up at the airport after five years away at college by the "neighbour boy" she left behind her when she went off to Hawaii to live with an Aunt. He is performing a neighbourly duty with cool, almost cold efficiency.

Chapter two jumps back to the day Priss left for Hawaii and John drops in to give her a petting session that goes all the way to third base and an orgasm without hitting a home run. This is a romance novel.

Chapter three sees her in Hawaii.

Finally by chapter 6 we get back to Aussie. Since his mother moved out on him John has moved the widow next door in to cook and give him comfort breaking Priss' heart. No wonder that ride home was rather icy.

But this is a romance and it demands an HEA so the second half will concern the reconciliation and the love fest. John may even finally make the home run. The pair have already had two make-out sessions to titillate the reader. Will the epilogue feature little uns.

What a Georgia Peach knows about fair dinkum is open to question. Dropping a few colloquialisms hardly qualifies as local knowledge.

Of course we repeatedly hear about Priss' beauty and Jake's powerful legs, narrow waist, six pack, muscular chest and broad shoulders. And he's blonde.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

In the Mountains

In the Mountains

Rachel Ember

M+M Short

A gay pair drive to the Colorado Rockies. Alas the tale is a pretext for the orgy behind a rest stop bunker and profanity that follows.

Not a recommendation for the series to follow.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Wreck

The Wreck

Landon Beach, Scott Brick (Narrator)

You can see it all over Oakville. Modest dwellings on prime locations torn down to be replaced by monster homes. The Martins have inherited a modest beach-front cottage in an area sprouting with multi-million dollar manorial estates. Their cottage has become an eyesore to their neighbours.

Nate discovers a Spanish Doubloon on his beach. His first mistake is talking about it in town.

Nate and his friends are teachers, at the university level it seems.

When a wreck holds millions in gold the perils of cave diving are the least of this groups problems.

The final showdown occurs underwater where guns cannot be fired so spearguns and knives plus a final explosives charge.

The epilogue gives us an HEA.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The CARGO: A Caleb Baxter Novel

The CARGO: A Caleb Baxter Novel

Kris Moller

Second book by this title I've read. Had to check that Kris is a male's name.

The text needs a further edit. The plot is rather convoluted and an episodic reader loses track.

The Cargo it seems is human.

Desert Star

Renée Ballard #5

Desert Star

Michael Connelly, Titus Welliver (Narrator), Christine Lakin (Narrator)

Bosch and Ballard embark on the search for a killer whose crime eluded Bosch in the past and is now a cold case.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Mercerian Tales

Heir to the Crown #2.5

Mercerian Tales

Paul J. Bennett

Assuming a woman surrounded by wolves is under attack may be the wrong conclusion, especially when the wolves attack in her defence.

So begins the first tale in this series. The book takes the form of a multi-generational group of high ranking individuals swapping tales around a campfire.

Next up is the Bandit-King whose guerrilla-style raids stymie the knights sent to capture him after he steals a consignment of the local Earl's favourite wine.

And this is fantasy so the next tale involves a gryphon.

And the final story concerns how Anna acquired her massive canine protector Tempus.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Boy in Darkness

Gormenghast #2.5

Boy in Darkness

Mervyn Peake, P.J. Lynch (Illustrator)

Found it on Open Library.

This is fantasy writing. Titus escapes the confines of his castle and the restraints he feels there only to discover the world outside is a fearsome place. The story is more about the world he finds than about Titus himself.

The phantasmagorical tale was too tall attain any level of acceptance. The piece ends suddenly with Titus recapture by his castle keepers.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dark Sacred Night

Dark Sacred Night

Michael Connelly, Christine Lakin (Narrator), Titus Welliver (Narrator)

Bosch # 21

Introduces a new female detective named Ballard to Bosch's world.

A great deal of policing is painstaking drudgery leading to moments of pure terror. Staying awake for stakeouts mind-numbing and nail-biting. Solving cold cases involves finding clues the original detectives missed. To say that convicting the guilty gives closure is empty solace.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Shadow of the Crown

Heir to the Crown #4

Shadow of the Crown

Paul J. Bennett

More sword than sorcery. Intrigue, political assassination, and treachery. Eliminating your competitors is a tradition well documented in Biblical times.

The humans in this narrative are joined by a life mage, a dwarf, and use fire portals to travel vast distances to visit orcs, elves, and other stranger beings.

Princess ANNA works to regain her father's throne accompanied by her faithful dog, Tempus and a cast of knights, dwarfs, orcs and a mage or two.

The story devolves into a series of battles that proceed like a mighty chess game.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Lake Erie Shore: Ontario's Forgotten South Coast

The Lake Erie Shore: Ontario's Forgotten South Coast

Ron Brown

As much History Lesson as description of the shoreline. Political corruption is nothing new and our interactions with First Nations really are only yesterday and ongoing. United Empire Loyalists swarmed the area which was later ravaged by the War of 1812.

In discussing Wainfleet Bog and the peat operations there Brown fails to note that it is also home to a southern population of Massasauga Rattlers something of which visitors should be aware.

In the early 60ies my older school mates came to Ontario to pick tobacco. Of course farming took place inland, it was harbour facilities that enabled sending produce to market. While the forests lasted mills operated on rivers and streams their products transhiped by boat and later train until trucking replaced both. Fishing flourished until the seaway let in the lamprey eel and ship's bilge released zebra mussels.

Improved transport attracted tourists to the many beaches bringing business for hotels and cottages, restaurants, dance halls, and amusement parks. Farm runoff and industrial pollution spoiled that market.

It was four years after this book was published that Heinz pulled up stakes and abandoned their ketchup plant in Leamington putting people out of work and area farmers without a market for tons of tomatoes. Two years later Frenchs Mustard stepped in to take up the slack. Both are American Companies operating branch plants.

The final pages are extensive back-up notes.

Friday, July 05, 2024

The Return of Kid Cooper

The Return of Kid Cooper

Brad Smith, Milton Bagby (Reading)

Like so many other people with the name Smith there are a number by this name who are authors. This one lives in Southern Ontario.

Somehow this story failed to keep me awake long enough to figure out a plot. The hero of the piece dies.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

The Vet & the Cowboy

The Vet & the Cowboy

Olivia Sands

A romance novelette neither Amazon nor Goodreads have heard of but it sounds worth reading.

Luke's a hunk with muscles earned through hard work. Bianca is petite, athletic and beautiful. They strike sparks, learn respect, have that first kiss and then disaster strikes.

His boss intends to sell the farm/ranch and suddenly his world falls apart.

But love finds a way and we get an HEA.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Stuck With an Alpha Protector

Stuck With an Alpha Protector

Journey Lee

So, an okay time waster with a plot that seems so familiar I almost believe I've read this before or a romance very like it.

A pair stuck together by a blizzard that isolates them in a remote cabin without electricity. Seemingly the phones work.

And it all leads to an HEA.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Wrong Side of Goodbye

Harry Bosch #19

The Wrong Side of Goodbye

Michael Connelly, Titus Welliver (Narrator)

As it happens it is this story that is the focus of the TV Series Bosch that I am watching. It will be interesting to see how the original has been adapted.

A book tells you what happened, a movie shows you. The grandmother and grandson were given more prominence in the movie.