Thursday, June 02, 2016

The Creed Legacy

The prodigal has returned and despite a decade of separation the identical twins Brody and Connor still resemble two peas in a pod and Brody unabashedly helps himself to his twin's wardrobe. Since book 6 Connor and Tricia got married and a baby Creed's arrival is imminent. At issue in book 7 is the path to matrimonial bliss Brody and Carolyn will take. If a certain ennui creeps in here you're reading me correctly.

If you're familiar with the joke about what happens when you sing a country music song backwards these novels seem to follow a similar pattern:

You get your dog back=generally a stray
You get your truck back=generally brand new
You get your house back=often newly built
You get your wife back=generally newly wed though past flirtation is often the case.
The sex is always good, marriage and a baby follow, these boys are virile, and succeeding babies, to quote Davis in this outing, take nine months.
And a rodeo past is often part of these boys' history. They never seem to lack for money though I can't imagine most make a killing on the rodeo circuit.

Perhaps I should admit that the law of diminishing utility is coming into play here.

As the series winds up I predict the next Creed will arrive in under nine months.

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