Monday, March 04, 2024

The Hollow Boys

Fantasy by Douglas Smith. At 500 pages not a book I'll be reading overnight. All too often books this long are padded with long descriptive passages and meandering side plots.

So much fantasy writing is derivative of JRR Tolkien it is a breath of fresh air to encounter something entirely original. This author joins the ranks of fellow Canadian Guy Gavriel Kay and Neil Gaiman.

A name like Douglas Smith offered a few star athletes and at least two Canadian authors.

Interesting to encounter a book set in Toronto though not called that by name and settings like Lakeshore Psychiatric which is indeed closed. Since I studied abnormal Psych I understand agoraphobia and how debilitating it can be.

I've accepted too many freebies and alas this is among the first by this author I've gotten around to reading. After the initial sections I'll say I'm hooked. But for whatever reason I got bogged down as the book progressed. Will comes off as self-indulgent, spoiled, and immature.

Somehow I just couldn't maintain interest in this book and put it aside only just now plowing through the remaining pages.

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