Sunday, June 30, 2024

Cottonwood Memories

Cottonwood Memories

L.C. Chase

Brandon and Zach bond over Avery's grave.

Hans Waldemar Remembers Normandy: A German-Perspective Novelette of World War II

Hans Waldemar Remembers Normandy: A German-Perspective Novelette of World War II

Aubrey Taylor

A great-grandfather remembers the war from a Hitler Youth's point of view. And yes he was a tank driver in the Waffen SS.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Wreckage

The Wreckage

Michael Crummey, Mary Lewis (Narrator)

With his bowl hair cut Crummey is the rare Newfoundland writer to return to Newfoundland. Having won a $300 prize for the poetry he wrote while at Memorial for a BA he got the idea that he could make a living writing poetry. After getting an MA at Queens he abandoned PHD studies to take up writing.

What the brutal prelude in Vietnam has to do with anything will become apparent later it would seem. Life on a fishing boat is equally perilous.

The characters offer flashbacks to Vietnam, the Korean War, the dropping of the bombs on Japan. Not a feel good read.

Crummey uses profanity and Newfie turns of phrase. We get a vignette of outport life.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Titus Awakes: The Lost Book of Gormenghast

Gormenghast #4

Titus Awakes: The Lost Book of Gormenghast

Maeve Gilmore, Rupert Degas (Narrator)

The Gormenghast Trilogy was recommended me by a favourite librarian decades past at Oakville's Main Library, a place I haven't been thanks to parking charges since I stopped working in the area. Titus Groan is a rather surreal character in weird fantasy novels who is totally lacking in magical powers.

The present 4th novel was written by Peake's wife after his death and there exists a short story I hope to read on Open Library. The present book borrowed on Hoopla.

Groan is off on an independent adventure and encounters life as his subjects live it. The audiobook ends abruptly without THE END or any credits.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Crossing

Harry Bosch #18

The Crossing

Michael Connelly, Titus Welliver (Narrator)

Harry has retired or is on suspension as this book begins. He may get results but he's not easy to get along with. His half brother wants to hire him to prove his client is not guilty of the murder with which he is charged. To do so would mean switching from a lifetime of preparing cases for the prosecution to aiding the defence.

If he accepts the assignment he has to discount DNA evidence--was it planted?--prove the client has a valid alibi and find a guilty party. His former partners are not going to help him here.

The case is filled with twists and turns and the deaths or murders of crosspiles worth of Shakespeare.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Louise Penny Books Quiz - 50 Questions

Louise Penny Books Quiz - 50 Questions: The Ultimate Quiz Challenge for all Louise Penny Inspector Gamache series fans

I knew the basics but my short-term memory is not what it used to be. I no longer fixate on trivia as I once did.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Hiking Trails of Nova Scotia

Hiking Trails of Nova Scotia

Michael Haynes

p. 8 "Every regional section begins with a brief introduction [pictures, no intro], including a map [combined in one single map of the entire province]

And for those attached at the hip by their cellphones coverage in wildlands has become important though sticking you nose in a cellphone while you hike can be both dangerous and defeat the purpose of getting out in the wild in the first place. Just as being plugged into an i-pod will rob you of birdsong and babbling brooks. Why go hiking if you're not going to immerse yourself in nature.

p. 84 "Turn left and follow this track" The map makes it obvious the turn is to the right.

No mention is made of the fact that exiting the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton National Park incurs a day use fee.

There is a day use fee for entering Kejimkujik  National Park and a hefty back country camping fee per day requiring a reservation.

Day use is free in provincial parks but there is an unserviced campground fee for overnight camping.

Provincially operated ferries in NS are now free.

Unless one possesses a good map of many of these areas, excellent map-reading skills and an understanding of declination and compass use many of these trails could be very dangerous.

The Drop

Harry Bosch #15

The Drop

Michael Connelly

DNA evidence has been a game changer in crime detection just as blood matching and fingerprints were earlier. Me-too and the lure of cash settlements has brought forth sex abuse claims decades old.

So, murder or suicide. And the uncovering of a serial sexual predator and killer. The book makes gruesome reading.

Police admins who are more political animals than law enforcers get rightful derision. Cases that will make them look bad get suppressed.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Burning Room

Harry Bosch #17

The Burning Room

Michael Connelly

I've been confusing this case with Bosch The Legacy, the TV Series where he is retired and working as a gumshoe.

In this episode Harry is working cold cases with a newbie female detective. As the teaser states the murder victim here died 10 years after receiving the fatal shot to his spine that rendered him paraplegic. Tracking down the why and the who after all this time was not easy.

As usual he is hampered by bosses who play politics but have never worked a case. Interestingly the narrator here executive produced the TV Series and starred in it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Perfect Front Man

Rock U #0.5

The Perfect Front Man

Christie Gordon

Not the first time a band had a lead singer who couldn't sing or did so off-key.

There's gay sex play here and a come-on for a karaoke singer.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Sunsets at Sea: A Sol and Seth Story

Sunsets at Sea: A Sol and Seth Story

Leona Windwalker

The gay pair at the centre of this short story are on a honeymoon aboard a luxury yacht complete with captain and cook. Sol's twin brother is along for part of the ride. They dine at a high end restaurant where a prejudiced woman objects to their holding hands.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Keeper of Light : A Fantasy Short Story

Keeper of Light : A Fantasy Short Story

Drew Avera

Fantasy Horror. A sword and sorcery short that delivers a happy ending.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Up North: A Guide to Ontario's Wilderness from Blackflies to the Northern Lights

Up North: A Guide to Ontario's Wilderness from Blackflies to the Northern Lights

Doug Bennet, Tim Tiner, Marta Scythes (Illustrator)

My edition came out in 1997. There has been a second volume and combined edition published since.

Fairly detailed descriptions of the limited species covered.

page 16 Red-Wing Blackbird wingspan conversion should be feet, not inches.

The authors have a sense of humour. Herring Gull's diet includes Kentucky Fried Chicken Bones.

I've personal experience of the chattiness of Barred Owls a nesting pair carrying on a varied conversation for 6 hours after an owl call was played in their hearing at Queens Biological Station.

The Sacred Carrion Vultures of India suffered a 97% decline until a certain anti-inflammatory drug was outlawed. Since this book was written it has been determined that vultures' eyesight extends to the infrared zone and they detect the heat caused by rotting corpses. Their digestive systems make them immune to deadly botulism.

p 101 6 Metres is c. 20 ft, 3.20 is the approximate conversion rate.

p. 139 (6 cm.) should be in. for inches.

p. 163 Adult body length should be ft not in.

Research goes on that makes some of the information here dated. And politicians such as the present Ontario Premier continue to attack wildlands. Parks that protect wildlife are unpopular with local hunters. The band of trees that edge major highways disguise the clear cuts a short walk inside.

A monoculture of regimented pines does not constitute a park.

Monday, June 03, 2024

A Darkness More Than Night

Harry Bosch #7

A Darkness More Than Night

Michael Connelly, Richard Davidson (Narrator)

I'm reading earlier books in the series as they become available.

A retired profiler uses the art of Harry Bosch's tortured namesake the artist to delve into the mind of the perpetrator here. As he discovered the MO and torture scene is made to look like one in the artist's paintings complete with an owl watching.

There's a touch of insanity and mysticism to the tale.