Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Up North: A Guide to Ontario's Wilderness from Blackflies to the Northern Lights

Up North: A Guide to Ontario's Wilderness from Blackflies to the Northern Lights

Doug Bennet, Tim Tiner, Marta Scythes (Illustrator)

My edition came out in 1997. There has been a second volume and combined edition published since.

Fairly detailed descriptions of the limited species covered.

page 16 Red-Wing Blackbird wingspan conversion should be feet, not inches.

The authors have a sense of humour. Herring Gull's diet includes Kentucky Fried Chicken Bones.

I've personal experience of the chattiness of Barred Owls a nesting pair carrying on a varied conversation for 6 hours after an owl call was played in their hearing at Queens Biological Station.

The Sacred Carrion Vultures of India suffered a 97% decline until a certain anti-inflammatory drug was outlawed. Since this book was written it has been determined that vultures' eyesight extends to the infrared zone and they detect the heat caused by rotting corpses. Their digestive systems make them immune to deadly botulism.

p 101 6 Metres is c. 20 ft, 3.20 is the approximate conversion rate.

p. 139 (6 cm.) should be in. for inches.

p. 163 Adult body length should be ft not in.

Research goes on that makes some of the information here dated. And politicians such as the present Ontario Premier continue to attack wildlands. Parks that protect wildlife are unpopular with local hunters. The band of trees that edge major highways disguise the clear cuts a short walk inside.

A monoculture of regimented pines does not constitute a park.


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