Sunday, August 18, 2024

Double Eagle

DreadfulWater #7

Double Eagle

Thomas King

King's writing is authentic to Native Experience and ethos. The turns of phrase, the sense of flex time, diffuse responsibility, collective ownership, and overall the sense of humour. Thumps DreadfulWater has an eccentric circle of friends even given Reserve values. Anyone who has ever spent time on Reserve will feel immediately at home on King's turf.

Since Professor King has taught classes he's obviously sold out to White Society's sense of scheduling but he understands native sensibilities and pokes gentle fun. Any on reserve event I've ever attended never followed the published schedule. The native story teller only showed up when he felt like it and the only thing that happened on time was the sunrise ceremony over which mother earth had absolute control.

It takes half the book before the dead body makes its appearance.

The double eagle of the title was an illegally produced gold piece struck after America went off the gold standard and recalled all gold coins.

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