Saturday, October 12, 2024


Blasphemy! #1


T.J. Klune

Until I buy into the high concept involved here which involves Satan personified I have to ask: the Devil has a house in Hell, sleeps in a bed with blankets and has a telephone and major domo? Theologically I don't believe in Hell as a physical location and question the idea of evil personified just as I seriously doubt heaven as a physical location with pearly gates and streets paved with gold peopled by winged angels playing golden harps.

Satan here is fifteen feet tall and has a huge member, of course. Carl helps him with his wardrobe. In Hell all our usual conceptions are reversed. Bad is good.

Unions are a necessary evil but the idea that Satan has Union Issues is delicious. The difference being that Satan wouldn't just fire them all. And God swears like a trooper.

We've all had our issues with computers and considered them evil but Hell Inc has an office tower full of them.

God talks to his brother Satan every Tuesday at 10 AM on Skype. Do they use Norton Antivirus? God takes a shit each morning 9:15, anal retentive? Not an early riser and this review will never be seen on Amazon. Wonder where it flushes?

Satan meets Jimmy Davidson and the little fucker weirds out even the Devil even to giving him a blow job.

For the record:

Stationary is fixed in place, you write on stationery.

A twink with muscles is a Twunk.

Well this is Blasphemy.

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