Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jet (I)

Maya was an orphan neglected and serially abused. Possessed of a great mind and gifted with stunning genetic beauty and athleticism she was recruited by Mossad during her 2-year compulsory service in the Israeli military. In a secret service she is recruited to an elite force so secret it has no name. These agents have no identity, no family outside the service, no moral compass, no life. This begs the question, what distinguishes them from the terrorists they supposedly fight. You fight your way into this service through hard work, no one leaves it alive. Hyper-vigilance, trusting no one, and the need to constantly hone one’s skills and be on one’s guard will follow one for the rest of one’s life, or it will be a short life.

The book begins with a bang as Maya is attacked by three men one with a garrot, another with a custom-made silencer, and a third who failed to make it through the door. She doesn’t wait around to find if there are more but there are. The story is filled with brutal violence involving a woman. Think Ziva on NCIS. It reads like one of those ultra-violent video games. A hard-luck case from early childhood her fortunes do not improve, terminating with extreme prejudice seems to be the only thing she’s really good at.

Well edited and readable with a storyline with enough action to carry you along if you don’t mind the violence a decent read.

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