Monday, December 22, 2014

American Sniper

The Author Chris Kyle died in his 39th year proving once more the strains of returning from the field of battle can be more stressful than the fight itself if not for this individual then for the fellow soldier he tried to help. Here we have a lover of guns who literally wrote the manual on Navy Seal Sniper Fire plus a History of the US in 10 guns for good measure. A good old boy from Dallas Texas who shoots best with a wad of chewing tobacco in his cheek; his friends were military and law enforcement. Lets be up front, this reviewer is a pacifist whom the NRA would term an ardent enemy. There are those who would not feel safe without a handgun in their night stand, having one in my home would make me feel uneasy.

The author has the ego and arrogance of the true believer but he can also laugh at himself and invites the reader to laugh with him. He is good about translating the military jargon into plain English or his editors and advisers have prompted him to.

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