Monday, November 28, 2016

Come What May

For all the wide-eyed seeming innocence and charitable values of the principals this is an M+M Romance and their sexual encounters are described in vivid clinical detail and the language is shall we say colourful even vulgar. I’m not sure all the profanity is necessary.

Gay literature seems to revolve around a few common themes. Coming of age as a gay man, age not restricted to teens, coming out to oneself, one’s parents, and the world at large; and finding mister right. The challenge in finding romance being trusting one’s gaydar not to approach someone truly straight, and dealing with a lover who’s still in the closet which raises issues of outing against someone’s will. And since the 1980ies HIV has added a sinister dimension to the issue. Gay relationships face all the challenges straight ones do plus the factor of two male egos. Gay marriage and church doctrine have been frought with dissension and schism. The law and medical practice has finally partly come to grips with modern morays but public opinion and society at large are slower to follow.

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