Saturday, March 09, 2024

Hornblower and the Atropos

Hornblower Saga: Chronological Order #5

Hornblower and the Atropos

C.S. Forester

Hornblower is a rather unfortunate name connoting a braggart. Named for Horatio Nelson whose death is honoured in this outing a name the owner is not particularly pleased to bear and have a son so named by his adoring wife while he's at sea.

Proving that who you know is more important than what you know his friend, a retiring admiral uses his prerogative to appoint Hornblower a captain jumping the queue.

An officer of the line has little time for personal life and whatever the man's feelings about married life the potency of his seed and the timing of his brief visits home lead to a growing family presented by his adoring wife.

Granted that it's war that sees the navy employed and sees men die the "butcher's bill" seems taken for granted.

Pride, flattery, and politics hinder the success of Hornblower's endeavours and ultimately cause the loss of his ship. The near sinking of the barge carrying Nelson's remains whether or not historical is a rather light touch.

As others have noted sending a ship of the line on a salvage operation, even if it involves a significant fortune is a bit of a comedown. Doing it under the noses of the Turks just another challenge.

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