Friday, June 20, 2014


By Suzannah Daniels

Dangerous has two principal characters: Stone, the hard-bodied motorcycle riding loner who just happens to work with Tom at a bookstore and Dara, the pretty socialite who lives with her Grandma, drives her granny’s old clunker and comes to work at the same store to earn money to buy a car of her own. The sexual tension between the two is palpable. The book is written in the first person alternately from each character’s point of view. Will opposites attract and will the bad boy who exudes sexual charisma get the good girl with the good looks and grades, does he even want to.

Stone had a twin named Luke who died in an accident he doesn’t want to talk about. We get the impression that he was somehow responsible. Can he work through his anger and grief to learn to love and commit to someone else? Although the storyline is generally predictable it still manages to throw us a few curves. This is definitely a teenage romance novel but somehow it manages to be more than that.

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