Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Grey Wolf

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #19

The Grey Wolf

Louise Penny, Jean Brassard (Narrator)

Organized Crime got a head start from smuggling alcohol during prohibition. Beyond their criminal enterprises they have infiltrated legitimate business including unions, transportation, sports, construction, highway building, and even cheese. Given their deep pockets they have infiltrated the police and corrupted cops at the highest levels. It is not knowing whom to trust that troubles Gamache most of all.

With other reviewers I'm disappointed with this outing. I realize there's a limit to how many denizens of Three Pines that can be killed off but in losing the more personal touch the plot becomes too complicated to engage the reader. It's the same reason I find a Le Carre spy thriller not worth my time. I don't envision Gamache as an action hero.

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