Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Creed at Stone Creek

Steven's name is Creed but he's only distantly related to the Creeds we've already met. This family seems to have a lot of lawyers. It's his adopted son five-year-old Matt, orphaned by Steven's best friends and former partner who initially tugs at one's heart strings.

A word about the conventions of Romance Novels, in this case Cowboy Romance. The male is always a magnetically virile hunk of manhood and his romantic interest equally sexually attractive. The two are introduced in the opening pages and the remaining story involves the path to marital bliss. Happy endings seem guaranteed. At some point there will be a detailed description of their coital encounters. Well-written romances such as this one rise above these conventions or I wouldn't be reading them. They also seem to be wildly popular, just ask Harlequin.

This one seems to have more drama than most and introduces us to the protagonists in the following entries in the series.

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