Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ask Him Why

This novel is about what happens when a sibling gets accused of wrongdoing. The media frenzy that gathers outside your doors hounding your family and inconveniencing the neighbours as well. The graffiti painted on your walls by vandals. The bullying classmates who make life difficult, the boyfriends whose parents refuse to be associated with you. The work your father loses due to the notoriety. The people who shun all members of your family. The hurtful press and social media commentary. The sense of hurt and loss that a person you loved, looked up to, and idolized could so fall from grace.

The novel takes a turn for the truly weird in the second half and then jumps forward nearly 10 years.

The sample provided interested me sufficiently to move me to buy the whole. The author can seem a little preachy but the story pulls you in.

Finishing a book is like losing a friend. One is saddened to have lost the relationship but glad to have had the experience while it lasted.

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