Sunday, February 04, 2024

A Good Man with a Dog: A Game Warden's 25 Years in the Maine Woods

A Good Man with a Dog: A Game Warden's 25 Years in the Maine Woods

Roger Guay, Kate Clark Flora, John Pruden (Narrator)

Here the ghost writer is acknowledged. I'm listening to an audiobook version. This game warden operated in Maine which abuts NB and PQ. I've driven from Houlton Maine to Bangor in the fall of the year and camped at a park in the Katahdin Wilderness. What we have to remember on my side of the border is that our wardens do everything these men do but do it unarmed. Expect an American would feel naked without his side-arm.

To most including young Roger poaching is a game, the crime is in getting caught. Three days in jail, a $1000.00 fine, and confiscation of your catch or meat and rifle or fishing gear is no minor matter.

What stands out when game wardens offer their services to other enforcement agencies is the compartmentalization of law enforcement in America and the failure to share information between agencies.

This is not a feel good story and certainly not for the squeamish. Yet another author critical of FEMA and it's ineptitude in New Orleans where Katrina served to exacerbate existing crime and corruption.

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