Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Elf Queen of Shannara

The Elf Queen of Shannara

Terry Brooks

Terry Brooks had a hit on his hands with the buddy buddy fantasy Sword and Sorcery novel Sword of Shannara and parleyed it into an ongoing succession of serial novels. I enjoyed the initial trilogy but after a while Malthus Theory of Diminishing Utility sets in. If nothing else this Audiobook addition to the fable should be good for insomnia.

Seems it occurs 500 years after Shea Omsford of the first novel in the series. The Elf Stones still live in the hands of a fairy or someone with elf blood.

Seems this is a good versus evil tale. And where does evil come from. It results from good people's bad choices.

The story turns into a journey of escape as Wren attempts to lead a group of protectors from their fortress home to freedom while beset by demons and other threatening creatures. The land is fraught withe dangerous terrain and an erupting volcano. One by one she loses members of her party before they finally reach shore and Tiger Ty the Roc Rider .

The entire series has been derivative of JRR Tolkien. The descriptive passages stretching out the narrative unnecessarily. The stress is eased by the knowledge that should Wren not make it there would be no need for the volumes that follow.


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